The Honors Experience at 可靠的网赌平台

可靠的网赌平台的荣誉体验是一个独特的机会,为合格的学生获得宝贵的经验,这将有助于他们建立, pursue and achieve long-term goals. 学校提供大量奖学金,帮助学生设计通往成功的道路.

这样做的目的不是用更多的作业、更严格的要求或更高的难度来挑战学生. 相反,荣誉体验增加了额外的学习维度 form of practical experience. The best candidates for employment or graduate school have more than a history of good grades; they have engaged in activities that contribute to thinking critically, working collaboratively, and being visionary, transformative leaders.

Eligible students are incoming first-time, full-time, 在校攻读学位的新生(而不是100%在线). 全日制学生每学期至少学习12个学分. Students from all bachelor’s 或可靠的网赌平台的副学士课程将被考虑录取.

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About the Honors Experience


What The Honors Experience IS

Unlike regular honors programs at other universities, 可靠的网赌平台的荣誉体验是十大网赌平台课堂之外的特殊机会-通常只有研究生院或高度专业化的学习项目的学生才有机会. 在此过程中,提供了重要的指导和指导,以确保最大的影响.

What The Honors Experience IS NOT

  • It is NOT about more difficult coursework. 这在其他地方可能是正确的,但这不是我们的全部. 在可靠的网赌平台的荣誉体验课程是不同的-更多的讨论为基础, more conceptual, more analytical – but it is not more difficult. 事实上,课程成绩往往更高,因为这种方法更吸引人,更有趣.
  • It is NOT about a greater quantity of work. On the contrary, 通常会有更少的任务,因为“繁忙的工作”被消除了,取而代之的是更深入的工作, more meaningful analysis.
  • It is NOT about taking more classes. 从可靠的网赌平台的荣誉经历毕业不需要额外的学分. 所有的学术要求都包含在学习计划中.

Why The Honors Experience is AWESOME

Start withthe community, 包括在动机相似的人之间建立的友谊, like-minded students.



AWESOME truly describes this unique combination of benefits! 

"Experience" 可靠的网赌平台


Leadership experience can come in many forms. Some students are teaching assistants or peer mentors; some serve in student government or as officers in student organizations on campus; some coach youth sports off campus or represent the university to the greater community in other ways. 如果学生反思自己的领导经验,并将所学到的东西发扬光大,可以获得学分.


公民体验可以通过社区志愿服务, assisting with campus activities, working together for a social cause, and much more. 参加公民活动的学生可以获得学分.


Scholarly experience comes from the curriculum, which includes special seminars and research projects. 学生将有机会在校园活动或国内其他地方的专业会议上展示他们的奖学金. 



Friendship is a core pillar of The Honors Experience, along with leadership, citizenship and scholarship. 通过许多专门为这些学生设计的特殊活动, 来自各个专业的学生之间建立了友谊 整个大学——如果没有荣誉体验社区的成员资格,永远不会实现的友谊.


参加荣誉体验的学生将在享受各种社交活动的同时建立联系, cultural and intellectual activities. Possibilities include guest speakers, game nights, outings in town, movies, cookouts, and other fun things students might want to do.


In an effort to introduce new and diverse perspectives, 学生们有机会一起旅行,参加全国其他地方的特殊活动, present their work at professional conferences, and attend national honors conference in cities such as Orlando, Boston and Seattle. 在春假期间或部分夏季期间,可以参加十大网赌平台其他州或其他国家的特别研讨会.


The Oaks 提供舒适的公寓式住宿. 选择住在奥克斯的荣誉体验项目的学生将受益于更强烈的社区意识. They will also benefit from an additional $1000 per year as part of the Honors Scholarship.


参加荣誉课程的学生将获得15个学分的荣誉课程(如果攻读副学士学位则为9个学分)。, but these will not be additional courses. 相反,它们将被纳入每个学位的现有学习计划中 program.

Experiential Learning

The heart of The Honors Experience, 这些是通过参与领导力课程获得课程学分的特殊机会, Citizenship, Teaching, and Research.  其中一些体验将在校内进行,但也有一些校外体验 

Special Seminars

参加荣誉课程的学生可以获得通识教育学分,并选择非传统的选修课程, experimental, low-risk, and (most importantly) fun! 研讨会将主要以讨论为基础,可能会偏离传统的作业 such as tests or papers. Examples of possible seminars include: The Meaning of Life; The Supernatural; You Tube in Contemporary Society; Country Music vs. Rock-and-Roll; The Physics of Billiards; Chemistry in the Kitchen; Zombies in Film; Theories of Justice; Squirrel! (The Art of Distraction); and many others.  可能性是无穷无尽的,学生将对所提供的课程有自己的看法. 

Research Contracts

至少有一门课程(3学分的荣誉课程)必须通过学生已经参加的课程的研究项目完成. Working with the professor, the student will propose a project, carry out the needed research, and present his/her findings at 可靠的网赌平台’s Scholar Day or similar campus event. 学生可以选择到州外旅行,与教师一起参加专业会议.

Contact Us

Send us your questions! 我们将很乐意提供更多的信息,十大网赌平台的荣誉体验.

The Honors Experience
Office of the Provost
LSU at Alexandria
8100 Highway 71 South
Alexandria, LA 71302
Phone: (318) 743-6446